Is Your Family In Crisis?

Safe Harbor developed the “Calming the Storm” online parenting series, which consists of 10 videos presented by licensed counselors, to specifically target the problems threatening today’s families. Some of the session topics include Anger, Grief and Loss, Substance Abuse, Boundaries, and Marriage, available to stream now in high definition video.


Do you feel like you are losing control?

Do you feel that your relationship with your child is becoming more and more distant, that you fear…

Substance Abuse

By drinking before age 15, your child is 5x more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse in their lifetime.

Premarital Sex

By abandoning their purity, your child is risking STDs, teen pregnancy, and long-term emotional injury.

Dangerous Driving

Car accidents are the number one cause of death among teenagers in the United States.

Illegal Activity

Legal problems, attorney fees, and a permanent arrest record will ruin your child’s future.


Calming the Storm is available online so you can start getting help for your family right away. Sign-up is easy, confidential, and you can start watching in minutes. No other resource offers this in effectiveness and convenience.

Safe Harbor's Calming The Storm Parenting Series is Available on Desktops, Tablets and Phones.

Save Money

The skills we teach would cost you much more to acquire through private counseling, rehabilitation, and personal experience.

Take Control

Learn techniques to deal with your child while maintaining a calm and focused approach to your overall parenting goals.

Enjoy Peace

Sign up today to start experiencing peace in your home with less arguing, nagging, fighting and fear.

The Calming The Storm Parenting Series Offers Families:

Hours of Content


Licensed Family Counselors

Years of Experience

Safe Harbor changed our lives. Safe Harbor gave me back the son who I had lost. I learned of the mistakes that I made and was able to develop skills to be a much better parent. I learned that changes needed to be made within the family, not just with our son. The way that Safe Harbor is structured is fabulous. I strongly feel that kids and families are missing the boat if they don’t give Safe Harbor a try. Safe Harbor’s biggest fan, Jeff
Jeff Williamson

Safe Harbor Parent

Helping Families In Troubled Times



Physical fighting by youth can lead to serious injury and even death. Injuries incurred in physical fighting during adolescence can result in significant losses in verbal intelligence. Risk factors that predict violence by youth include substance abuse, conflict and abuse at home, harsh or inattentive parenting, antisocial and delinquent peers, and neighborhoods where crime and drug use are prevalent.


A teen may be ordered to appear in juvenile court after the school’s efforts to reduce truancy have failed. A juvenile court judge holds a hearing and can, upon finding the teen truant, impose a range of penalties upon parents and guardians, as well as drug testing, probation and additional school.

Premarital Sex

Premarital sex, especially among teens, can have permanent and lifelong consequences. And we’re not just talking about the health consequences of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or an unwanted pregnancy, which are life changing. There are socioeconomic implications, as well as daunting stigmas, associated with the spread of STDs and teen pregnancies.

Our Faith Based Video Series Gives You

The Tools You Need

Our counselors offer a unique and balanced approach. Clinical and faith based tools help parents from all walks of life survive today’s  challenges.

Diverse Skills

Calming The Storm will help you with your marriage and relationships, with setting boundaries for your child, and your relationship with God.

A Valuable Resource

Our counselors will provide you with the foundation you need to enact lasting change in your family’s life, and help you reduce your financial and emotional strain.


Are you Satisfied with the relationship you have with your child? Safe Harbor’s “Calming The Storm” will help you strengthen the bond you have and give you the tools you need to raise your child.

Home Life

Is your child pleasant and respectful while at home and with the rest of the family? Our series will help you achieve and maintain the balance you’re looking for.
Tammy Bond, MSW, THM

Tammy Bond, MSW, THM

Licensed Certified Social Worker

Kelley Cousins Jones, M.S. M.Ed.

Kelley Cousins Jones, M.S. M.Ed.

Licensed Professional Counselor

Trey L. Hill, Ph. D.

Trey L. Hill, Ph. D.

Licensed Psychologist

Rev. Kevin Moore

Rev. Kevin Moore

Executive Director, Mission Birmingham


Unlimited Access

Pay just $150 and start watching now. Most importantly, you’ll get the help you need today, access to all 10 courses with over 5 hours of video content from licensed family counselors in stunning high definition video.


Lesson Quizes

Evaluate your knowledge of course material.



Mobile Friendly

Get the help you need, when you need it.

Faith Based

Utilize every resource available.
Watch videos and test your knowledge with online quizes.
Online Faith Based Family Learning